Fresh Cut Flowers
We are fresh cut flowers! All Flowers have different likes and dislikes, but the most important things to consider are water, light, temperature, and humidity:
• Before you put us in our new home, please clear the vase, fill it with water, and cut 1 cm from our stems to wake us up.
• Our leaves need to always stay above the water level, so please don’t give us too much water! That way, we can breathe and avoid drowning.
• Give us fresh tap water 1 time each day to keep us happy and healthy.
• Please keep us away from direct sunlight.
• We love cooler temperatures around 10-15°C. Please keep the heater away from us.
• We don’t like it too cold or too breezy either, so keep us away from the direct blast of the air-con.

Pot Plants
We are potted plants! All plants have different likes and dislikes, but the most important things to consider are water, light, temperature, and humidity:
• Alternating periods of drought and flood can wreak havoc on a plant’s root system. As a general rule, most plants like having their roots consistently moist, but not wet.
• Provide the right amount of light. It may be a case of trial and error to find out if your plant is receiving the right amount of light, but as a general rule, most houseplants are tropical plants that flourish under indirect sunlight.
• Avoid placing plants in spots with particularly high or low temperatures, such as next to heat or air conditioning ducts, between curtains and a frosty window, or on top of a television or microwave.
• Air conditioners can be very drying – treat me to a little extra humidity with a daily spritz of mist.